Night with a Nerd: Irene Qualters – The essential, enabling role of high-performance computing

Irene Qualters explains how HPC makes national security possible

January 4, 2023

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Thursday, Jan. 12
6-7:30 p.m.
projectY cowork
150 Central Park Square
Los Alamos, NM 87544
$10; free for Bradbury Science Museum Association members

From stockpile stewardship science, to deflecting asteroids, to designing new materials for nuclear reactors, Los Alamos National Laboratory uses its world class high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities to find solutions to some of the world most complex problems.

In a fascinating Night with a Nerd on Jan. 12, join Associate Laboratory Director for Simulation and Computing Irene Qualters for a look at the incredible role HPC plays in science — and how it’s helping to change the future.

About the speaker

Irene Qualters, associate Laboratory director for Simulation and Computation at LANL, has long been at the forefront of the convergence of supercomputing and science. She is a senior science advisor in the Computing and Information Science and Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation. Qualters was a pioneer in the development of high-performance parallel processing technologies to accelerate scientific discovery at Cray Research, and she led Information Systems for Merck Research Labs, focusing on international cyberinfrastructure to advance all phases of pharmaceutical R&D. 

Watch: How HPC makes it possible

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