Deck the halls with science, courtesy of Gadgets

Don we now our Lab apparel

December 4, 2023

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Gadgets gift shop at the Bradbury Credit to: Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Who doesn’t love a science-themed stocking stuffer? Head to the Bradbury Science Museum Association’s gift shop, Gadgets, to get your holiday goodies. The best part is that funds from your purchases support STEM education in Northern New Mexico. It’s your chance to shop local and give to the community, while checking off the science enthusiasts on your “nice” list. Look at you, spreading good cheer!

BSMA members get 10% off of their Gadgets purchases. Want to learn more about the perks of becoming a member? Check out the BSMA website.

Oppenheimer magnets, chemistry-themed jewelry, kids’ activity kits, books, Lab-branded hats and jackets — gather all this and more at Gadgets. The gift shop is located at the Bradbury Science Museum. Happy shopping!

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