
Periodic Table: The next generation of geothermal energy


Join Luke Frash and Yerkezhan Madenov at ProjectY Cowork

August 1, 2023

The Periodic Table is the Bradbury Science Museum’s casual, ask-me-anything program held at ProjectY Cowork. Gather with other science enthusiasts and talk with a special guest Labbie about their unique work. The Periodic Table is always free.

Read a recent article by Frash about geothermal resources.

Monday, Aug. 21
5:30-7 p.m.
ProjectY Cowork
150 Central Park Square
Los Alamos, NM

About the speakers

Luke P. Frash is a staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He researches geothermal energy, nuclear waste repositories, oil and gas production, carbon sequestration and underground hydrogen storage. His work includes more than 12 years of theory development, modeling, lab experiments and field studies with a focus on rock fracturing and fluid flow coupled processes. He is a graduate of Colorado School of Mines and University of Canterbury. He is the lead developer of Geothermal Design Tool (GeoDT) and a pioneer for fracture caging to enable a new frontier in clean geothermal energy.

Yerkezhan Madenova graduated with a bachelor’s in civil engineering and a master’s in mining engineering from Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. She has been a research assistant on several projects related to rock mechanics, geological and geostatistical modeling. Currently, Madenova is a postmaster’s student in the Earth and Environmental Sciences division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she works on fracture caging.

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