Give to Lab food drive: Fight food insecurity in Northern New Mexico

Bradbury Science Museum is drop-off site through April 17

April 3, 2023

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Now through April 17, you can support Los Alamos National Laboratory’s spring food drive for the Food Depot by donating select food items at the Bradbury Science Museum. Lab employees are encouraged to participate, but all members of our community can drop off donations at the Bradbury. Find the museum’s location and operating hours on our homepage.

We are collecting only the following items.

  • Canned tuna/chicken
  • Pasta/pasta sauce
  • Canned fruit
  • Rice
  • Pinto/black beans (canned or dry)
  • Oats/oatmeal
  • Peanut butter
  • Non-meat protein

The Food Depot is a nonprofit that supports healthy, hunger-free communities in Northern New Mexico. Each month, the organization distributes more than 700,000 meals a month through its partner agencies and direct service programs.

Read the latest about the Lab’s local involvement in Community Connections.


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