Nine Los Alamos projects win R&D 100 Awards

Museum’s display updated with new Lab award winners

October 5, 2022

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Researchers Andrea Schmidt and John Singleton with a novel type of broadband antenna that “slings” tightly focused wave packets toward a target location, providing better coverage, efficiency, bandwidth and security than traditional antennas or phased arrays.
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Nine Los Alamos National Laboratory technologies won 2022 R&D 100 Awards and five inventions scored Special Recognition awards, including a gold medal in the Green Technology category, a silver medal for Battling COVID-19, and bronze medals for Market Disruptor - Products, Market Disruptor - Services, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

“These R&D 100 Awards reflect the innovative capabilities of the Los Alamos National Laboratory workforce,” said Laboratory Director Thom Mason. “Advances such as these help both the U.S. and global economies, improve public safety and expand our computing capabilities. Congratulations to the staff members and collaborators who worked to bring these projects to fruition.”

Read about this year’s winners, and visit the Bradbury to learn more about these projects and other exciting ongoing research at the Lab.

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