Making discoveries with Challenge Tomorrow

The Bradbury’s traveling STEM experience is heading to Albuquerque for Discovery Festival

November 1, 2022

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A Lab employee volunteering as a Challenge Ambassador interacts with a young student.
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Next stop: Albuquerque! 

Challenge Tomorrow will be at Discovery Festival on Friday, Nov. 18, to share fun, hands-on STEM activities straight from Los Alamos National Laboratory. 

This stop on Challenge Tomorrow’s journey across the state will give Albuquerque-area students an opportunity to explore the Lab-inspired activities and make their own discoveries. They’ll be able to try out tools exactly like the ones being used here at the Lab to study our world and create new innovations for the future. 

See where Challenge Tomorrow has been so far. Where will we go next?

Discovery Festival is a STEAM festival hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico. The goal is to introduce local students to STEAM businesses and job opportunities through interactive activities and discovery. 

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