The Jedi tool of the Manhattan Project

The useful, inspiring Graflex camera

May 1, 2022

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The original lightsaber hilt Credit to: Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
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Did you know that the original lightsaber (a weapon of choice among Jedi and Sith factions in the “Star Wars” film series, for those of you living in a galaxy far, far away) was constructed out of the flash handle from a Graflex camera, the same type of camera prolifically used during the Manhattan Project?

Project Y photography

Graflex camera in the Bradbury’s collections
Graflex camera in the Bradbury’s collections

As Project Y progressed in Los Alamos, photography became a necessity for diagnostic testing for weapon prototypes. Q-Site, a small, wood-frame building, served as the dark room for developing photos. High-speed photography became an essential tool for capturing data about implosions. The instrumentation group developed novel forms of camera technology, including rotating-prism camera photography and flash X-ray photography, but the commonplace Graflex camera was still used for multiple projects.

The perfect prop

Fast forward a few decades to the 1970, when a set designer named Roger Christian scavenged around London for prop materials for the film “Star Wars” (later retitled as “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”). Once again, the ordinary Graflex proved useful. Christian made the inspired decision to use the flash handle from a found Graflex camera as the hilt, or handle, of Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber.

The original movie prop later sold at auction for approximately $450,000. The Graflex logo remained visible on the Skywalker hilt. Several of the Project Y Graflexes are in the Bradbury Science Museum’s collections. What remains of Q-Site stands at Manhattan Project National Historical Park.

Check out cameras and other items from the Bradbury’s collections.



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