ICYMI: Frontiers in Science: Breaking the cycle of plastic pollution

Biochemist Taraka Dale discusses the smart cells that could clean up our future

October 6, 2021

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The Department of Energy’s BOTTLE program tackles plastic pollution.
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Now on Los Alamos National Laboratory’s YouTube page, biochemist Taraka Dale explores how the Lab and its partners are using R&D 100 award-winning smart microbial cell technology to upcycle today’s plastic trash and design degradable plastics for the future.

This groundbreaking work is part of the Department of Energy’s new Bio-Optimized Technologies to keep Thermoplastics out of Landfills and the Environment, aka the BOTTLE program. You can learn about smart microbial cells in this recent 1663 magazine article

To watch Frontiers in Science and view other videos about the Lab’s climate science research.

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