Science on Tap: Deep sea data diving

SMART cables provide an undersea look at earthquakes

May 6, 2021

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What can the ocean tell scientists about earthquakes? Geophysicist Charlotte Rowe will discuss SMART (Science Monitoring and Reliable Telecommunication cables), the next generation of oceanographic monitors that includes seismic sensors. These special underwater telecommunications cables help a scientific task force fill in information gaps about seismic activity by gathering geophysical data from beneath the sea.

Monday, May 17, 2021
5:30 p.m.  (MT)

Rowe serves on the International Joint Task force for SMART Cables and the Global Seismographic Network Steering Committee and has served on the National Research Council.

Science on Tap is an opportunity to engage with Lab scientists on their current projects. A brief presentation is followed by questions, answers and discussion. The fun takes place on the third Monday of each month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. virtually — and eventually at local watering holes in Los Alamos and White Rock.

The free lecture series is a joint project between the Bradbury and the Los Alamos Creative District, a program of the private not-for-profit Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation.

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