Science on Tap: Using fuel cells to keep on truckin’

Hydrogen and fuel cell technology could power heavy-load fleets in the future

June 2, 2021

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Monday, June 21, 2021
5:30 p.m. (MT)

Electrical batteries are great for personal vehicles, but if you drive a big rig to haul heavy loads across the country in a hurry, you’ll need more than the standard EV charge. Hydrogen and fuel cells could be the power source for future truck fleets. Compared to standard engines, fuel cells can deliver higher efficiency, reduced emissions, higher torque — without noise pollution. Rod Borup, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Lab program manager, will take viewers on a journey into the Los Alamos Fuel Cell program’s exciting developments like the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck consortium.

Rod Borup is the former director for the multi-lab consortium for Fuel Cell Performance and Durability (FC-PAD), and is the current co-director for M2FCT (Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck). He is a fellow of the ElectroChemical Society (2020) and recently won the LANL Fellows Prize for Leadership (2020).

Science on Tap is an opportunity to engage with Lab scientists on their current projects. A brief presentation is followed by questions, answers and discussion. The fun takes place on the third Monday of each month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. virtually — and eventually at local watering holes in Los Alamos and White Rock.

The free lecture series is a joint project between the Bradbury Science Museum and the Los Alamos Creative District, a program of the private not-for-profit Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation.

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