Los Alamos National Labs with logo 2021

Relocation Travel

Travel reimbursement process information for relocations, including new regular hires and post-doctoral hires.


  • Relocation Office
  • (505) 665-4484
  • Email

Relocation travel process

Reimbursement for travel includes new regular hires and post-doctoral hires. Long-term visiting staff members or advanced study employees should contact the Relocation Office for additional requirements.

Eligible expenses are paid post-hire only.

Relocation travel will be reimbursed only when the following process is used.

  1. After receiving an offer letter from Human Resources, the Relocation Office will send you materials to review.
  2. After relocating, hiring on at the Lab, and obtaining a badge, receipts should be submitted in PDF format to relocation@lanl.gov along with your Z number, hire date and timeline of expenses.
  3. A relocation specialist will generate forms for employee signature.
  4. Reimbursements are processed and submitted to payroll for payment on interim pay dates.