Innovative Science, Technology & Engineering Supporting Mission
Los Alamos maintains broad science, technology, and engineering capabilities across multiple disciplines, leveraged to meet the Lab’s diverse national security missions. These videos showcase the innovative science supporting our mission.
Featured Videos
All VideosPHOENIX: Portable, High-efficiency, Orthovoltage ENergy, Imaging X-rays
Compact Space Plasma Analyzer
SAFE: Secure Automatic Failsafe Eraser
NDAlpha: Nondestructive Alpha Spectrometer
Fierro: Computational Mechanics and Material Science Software
Ion Pair™ Membrane Electrode Assemblies
Modular Electrochemical Nuclear Decontamination System (MENDS)
PolarFly/PolarStar: The top-performing family of post-exascale supercomputer networks
Science Videos
ASSESS: Acoustic Steady-State Excitation Spatial Spectroscopy
Watch Nowabout the article: ASSESS: Acoustic Steady-State Excitation Spatial SpectroscopyBioManIAC: Bioplastics Manufacturing with Intelligent Adaptive Control
Watch Nowabout the article: BioManIAC: Bioplastics Manufacturing with Intelligent Adaptive ControlEpiGrid
Watch Nowabout the article: EpiGridK Modules
Watch Nowabout the article: K ModulesLAROMance
Watch Nowabout the article: LAROManceALArM: Acoustic Large Area Monitoring
Watch Nowabout the article: ALArM: Acoustic Large Area MonitoringAdditively Manufactured Tamper Evident Container
Watch Nowabout the article: Additively Manufactured Tamper Evident ContainerLightSlingers
Watch Nowabout the article: LightSlingersOn-Chip Neuromorphic Backpropagation Algorithm
Watch Nowabout the article: On-Chip Neuromorphic Backpropagation AlgorithmSOFIA
Watch Nowabout the article: SOFIA