American Nuclear Society American Nuclear Society/Radiation Protection & Shielding Division L’Agence pour l’énergie nucléaire/Nuclear Energy Agency Radiation Safety Information Computational Center Health Physics Society Los Alamos National Laboratory American Nuclear Society

Luncheon Speaker

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. James Lake, INEEL and immediate past-President of the American Nuclear Society, will be our speaker at the Conference Luncheon on Monday, April 15.

Dr. Lake will discuss how ANS members can make a difference in the reawakening of interest in nuclear energy, using examples from his experience last year as ANS President.

Dr. Lake is the Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear and Energy Systems at INEEL. The INEEL has major mission responsibilities in environmental and energy science and engineering and is DOE’s co-Lead Laboratory for nuclear reactor technology. Dr. Lake is responsible for nuclear energy R&D, nuclear safety and risk management, basic nuclear science and nuclear technology research, energy efficiency and renewable energy, fossil energy, and industrial, transportation, and building energy management programs for the DOE, the NRC, and other domestic and international customers.

He is a graduate and Distinguished Engineering Alumnus of the Georgia Institute of Technology with MS and Ph.D. degrees in Nuclear Engineering. His personal technical work has been in the areas of reactor physics, advanced reactor design, and reactor safety. He holds two patents on advanced reactor technology and is the author of more than 30 publications on reactor physics, nuclear engineering, and reactor design.

Dr. Lake is an elected Fellow and 2000-2001 President of the ANS and remains a member of the Board of Directors.

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