8.4 Logical Class

The Logical Class is used to describe a logical scalar or array in the CÆSAR Code Package. The Logical Class does not use a user-defined type - it is the class for the F90 intrinsic type ``logical''.

Logical public procedures:

 Fundamental procedures  
 Initialize  Initializes a logical scalar or array variable.
 Finalize  Finalizes a logical scalar or array variable.
 Valid_State  Returns false iff a logical scalar or array variable is in an invalid state.
 ALL  Extends the F90 intrinsic procedure ALL to scalar arguments.
 ANY  Extends the F90 intrinsic procedure ANY to scalar arguments.
 COUNT  Extends the F90 intrinsic procedure COUNT to scalar arguments.
 InInterval  Returns true iff the argument is in the specified interval.
 InSet  Returns true iff the argument is in the specified set.
 NotInInterval  Returns true iff the argument is not in the specified interval.
 NotInSet  Returns true iff the argument is not in the specified set.

The Logical Class code listing contains additional documentation. The Logical Class also contains a Unit Test Program.

Michael L. Hall