H.2.5 Add_to_Matrix_Equation_Ortho_Diffusion Procedure

The main documentation of the Add_to_Matrix_Equation_Ortho_Diffusion Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Add_to_Matrix_Equation_Ortho_D (Diff_Term, ELLM, RHS_MV)

    ! Input variables.

    ! Diff_Term to be added.
    type(Ortho_Diffusion_type), intent(inout) :: Diff_Term  

    ! Input/Output variables.

    ! ELL_Matrix to be incremented.
    type(ELL_Matrix_type), intent(inout) :: ELLM
    ! RHS mathematic vector.
    type(Mathematic_Vector_type), intent(inout) :: RHS_MV   

    ! Internal variables.

    ! Arrays to manipulate values of the matrix.
    type(real,2) :: Matrix_Values   
    type(real,1) :: RHS_Values   
    type(integer,1) :: Matrix_Rows
    type(integer,2) :: Matrix_Columns
    type(integer) :: face, i, other_cell            ! Loop parameters.
    type(integer) :: shift                          ! Index shift.
    type(real,3) :: Area_Faces_of_Cells, Beta
    type(real,2) :: Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C
    type(real,2) :: Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef_F_of_C  ! Harmonic D at faces.
    type(real,2) :: DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells, DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells
    type(integer) :: Faces_per_Cell  ! Number of faces per cell.
    type(integer) :: NDimensions     ! Number of dimensions.


    ! Verify requirements.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(Diff_Term),5) ! Diff_Term is valid.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(ELLM),5)      ! ELLM is valid.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(RHS_MV),5)    ! RHS_MV is valid.

    ! Query the mesh.

    Faces_per_Cell = Get_Faces_per_Cell (Diff_Term%Mesh)
    NDimensions = Get_NDimensions (Diff_Term%Mesh)

    ! Future mods: 
    !   1. Access routine for Mesh%Cells_of_Cells_Index. 
    !   2. Other pseudo-ortho methods.

    ! Create some working vectors.

    call Initialize (Matrix_Values, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    call Initialize (RHS_Values, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh))
    call Initialize (Matrix_Rows, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh))
    call Initialize (Matrix_Columns, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &

    ! Define Delta R's.

    call Initialize (DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    call Initialize (DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    call Get_DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells (DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells, Diff_Term%Mesh)
    call Get_DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells (DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells, Diff_Term%Mesh)
    !call Get_VecDeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells (DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells, &
    !                                     Diff_Term%Mesh)

    ! Define Harmonic Average Diffusion Coefficient.

    call Initialize (Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef_F_of_C, &
                     NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), Faces_per_Cell)
    call Get_Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef (Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef_F_of_C, &

    ! Must be dimensioned as follows:
    ! call Initialize (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition, &
    !                 NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    !                 Faces_per_Cell)

    ! Define Pseudo-Ortho Area. Options are:
    !   1. Scalar area.
    !   2. Vector area dotted with unit vector joining the cell centers.
    !   3. Middle area of face-center box.

    call Initialize (Area_Faces_of_Cells, NDimensions, &
                     NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    call Initialize (Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    call Get_Area_Faces_of_Cells (Area_Faces_of_Cells, Diff_Term%Mesh)
    if (.true.) then 
      ! Option 1, Scalar Area.
      Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C = ABS(SUM(Area_Faces_of_Cells(:,:,:),1))
    end if

    ! Define Beta values for Boundary Conditions.

    call Initialize (Beta, 3, NCells_PE(Diff_Term%Mesh), &
    where (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Dirichlet_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = one
      Beta(2,:,:) = zero
      Beta(3,:,:) = one
    elsewhere (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Homogeneous_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = one
      Beta(2,:,:) = zero
      Beta(3,:,:) = zero
    elsewhere (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Neumann_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = zero
      Beta(2,:,:) = -one
      Beta(3,:,:) = one
    elsewhere (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Reflective_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = zero
      Beta(2,:,:) = -one
      Beta(3,:,:) = zero
    elsewhere (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Source_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = Diff_Term%Extrapolation
      Beta(2,:,:) = one
      Beta(3,:,:) = Diff_Term%Extrapolation
    elsewhere (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,:) == Vacuum_BC)
      Beta(1,:,:) = Diff_Term%Extrapolation
      Beta(2,:,:) = one
      Beta(3,:,:) = zero
    end where

    ! Set Matrix_Rows, Matrix_Columns.
    ! To spread out the rows and columns from this equation into a multiple
    ! equation matrix, translate local numbers via:
    !   i --> NEquations*(i - 1) + Equation
    ! and global numbers via:
    !   i + shift --> NEquations*(i + shift - 1) + Equation

    Matrix_Columns(:,2:) = Diff_Term%Mesh%Cells_of_Cells_Index
    Matrix_Columns(:,2:) = Diff_Term%NEquations * (Matrix_Columns(:,2:) - 1) &
                           + Diff_Term%Equation
    shift = First_PE(Diff_Term%Structure) - 1
    do i = 1, Length_PE(Diff_Term%Structure)
      Matrix_Rows(i) = Diff_Term%NEquations*(i - 1) + Diff_Term%Equation
      Matrix_Columns(i,1) = Diff_Term%NEquations*(i + shift - 1) + &
    end do

    ! Calculate matrix coefficients for F . A .
    !                                    f   f 
    ! Matrix structure:
    !   Matrix_Values(:,1) = Diagonal, the cell center value.
    !   Matrix_Values(:,2:Faces_per_Cell+1) = The values for the cells on
    !     the other side of each face, shifted by one from the face number 
    !     to allow for the diagonal entry.

    Matrix_Values = zero
    do face = 1, Faces_per_Cell
      other_cell = face  ! Another name for clearer semantics.

      where (Diff_Term%Boundary_Condition(:,face) == Internal_or_Periodic_BC)

        ! For the internal faces and periodic boundary conditions:
        !                      ( Phi  - Phi  )
        !                 h    (    1      2 )
        !   F . A  =  A  D     ---------------
        !    f   f     f  12    | delta r   |
        !                       |        12 |
        ! The other_cell (Phi_2) coefficient is calculated and stored
        ! here. The cell (diagonal entry, Phi_1) coefficient is calculated
        ! below by summing and subtracting all the other_cell coefficients.

        Matrix_Values(:,other_cell+1) = &
          - Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C(:,face) &
          * Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef_F_of_C(:,face) &
          / DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells(:,face)


        ! For the generalized Robin Boundary Conditions:
        !                A  ( Beta  Phi  - Beta  Phi   )
        !                 f (     1    1       3    BC )
        !   F . A   =  -------------------------------------
        !    f   f      ( Beta  + Beta  | delta r   | / D  )
        !               (     2       1 |        1f |    1 )
        ! The cell (diagonal entry, Phi_1) coefficient and the constant, RHS, 
        ! value are both calculated here. Note the sign flip on the RHS value 
        ! to move it to the right-hand side.
        ! Since a Fick's law extrapolation is used to determine this
        ! term, if D_1 is set to zero the flow (F.A) is set to zero,
        ! regardless of the Beta values.

        where (Diff_Term%Coefficient(:) /= zero) 
          Matrix_Values(:,1) = Matrix_Values(:,1) + &
            Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C(:,face) &
            * Beta(1,:,face) &
            / (Beta(2,:,face) &
            + Beta(1,:,face) * DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells(:,face) &
            / Diff_Term%Coefficient(:) )

          RHS_Values(:) = RHS_Values(:) + &
            Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C(:,face) &
            * Beta(3,:,face) * Diff_Term%Phi_BC(:,face) &
            / (Beta(2,:,face) &
            + Beta(1,:,face) * DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells(:,face) &
            / Diff_Term%Coefficient(:) )
        end where

      end where
    end do

    ! Finish the cell (diagonal entry, Phi_1) coefficient calculation by
    ! by summing and subtracting all the other_cell coefficients.

    Matrix_Values(:,1) = Matrix_Values(:,1) - SUM(Matrix_Values(:,2:),2)

    ! Add the values to the ELLM matrix and RHS vector.

    call Add_Values (ELLM, Matrix_Values, Matrix_Rows, Matrix_Columns, &
    call Add_Values (RHS_MV, RHS_Values, Matrix_Rows, Global=.false.)

    ! Finalize working structures.

    call Finalize (DeltaR21_Cells_of_Cells)
    call Finalize (DeltaR1f_Cells_of_Cells)
    call Finalize (Harmonic_Diffusion_Coef_F_of_C)
    call Finalize (Pseudo_Ortho_Area_F_of_C)
    call Finalize (Beta)
    call Finalize (Area_Faces_of_Cells)
    call Finalize (Matrix_Values)
    call Finalize (RHS_Values)
    call Finalize (Matrix_Rows)
    call Finalize (Matrix_Columns)

    ! Verify guarantees.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(ELLM),5)     ! ELLM is valid.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(RHS_MV),5)   ! RHS_MV is valid.

  end subroutine Add_to_Matrix_Equation_Ortho_D

Michael L. Hall