G.2.16 ELL_Matrix Class Unit Test Program

This lightly commented program performs a unit test on the ELL_Matrix Class.

program Unit_Test

  use Caesar_Data_Structures_Module
  use Caesar_Mathematic_Vector_Class
  use Caesar_ELL_Matrix_Class
  use Caesar_Numbers_Module, only: zero, half, one, two, three, six, ten
  implicit none

  type(Communication_type) :: Comm
  type(Base_Structure_type) :: Row_Structure, Column_Structure
  type(Status_type) :: status
  type(character,name_length) :: Locus_Name, ELLM_Name, MV_Name
  type(integer,1) :: Row_Length_Vector, Rows
  type(integer,2) :: Columns
  type(integer) :: shift, first_plus_last_PE_RS
  type(real,2) :: Values
  type(real,1) :: X_BNV
  type(real) :: AvgB, B_Norm2, MaxB, MinB, NRows_real, ResidualNorm1, &
  type(integer) :: i, j, NRows, MaxNonzeros
  type(ELL_Matrix_type) :: A_ELLM, B_ELLM
  type(Mathematic_Vector_type) :: X_MV, B_MV, Residual_MV

  ! Initializations.

  call Initialize (Comm)
  call Output (Comm)
  call Initialize (status)
  call Initialize (Locus_Name)
  call Initialize (ELLM_Name)
  call Initialize (MV_Name)
  call Initialize (Row_Length_Vector, NPEs)
  Row_Length_Vector = (/ (i**2, i = 1, NPEs) /)
  call Initialize (MaxNonzeros)
  MaxNonzeros = MIN(5, SUM(Row_Length_Vector))

  ! Local temp vectors.

  call Initialize (Rows, Row_Length_Vector(this_PE))
  call Initialize (Values,  Row_Length_Vector(this_PE), MaxNonzeros)
  call Initialize (Columns, Row_Length_Vector(this_PE), MaxNonzeros)
  call Initialize (X_BNV, Row_Length_Vector(this_PE))

  ! Initialize base structure, ELL matrices and mathematic vectors.
  Locus_Name = 'Rows'
  call Initialize (Row_Structure, Row_Length_Vector, Locus_Name, status)
  Locus_Name = 'Columns'
  call Initialize (Column_Structure, Row_Length_Vector, Locus_Name, status)
  ELLM_Name = 'Coefficients'
  call Initialize (A_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   ELLM_Name, status)
  call Initialize (B_ELLM, MaxNonzeros, Row_Structure, Column_Structure, &
                   ELLM_Name, status)
  MV_Name = 'Variables'
  call Initialize (X_MV, Column_Structure, MV_Name, status)
  MV_Name = 'Equations'
  call Initialize (B_MV, Row_Structure, MV_Name, status)
  NRows = Length_Total(Row_Structure)

  ! Testing statements.

  ! Note that there can be no procedure calls inside a loop which
  ! is executed a different number of times on each PE, because 
  ! global communication is done for verifications within a procedure.

  shift = - First_PE(Row_Structure) + 1
  first_plus_last_PE_RS = Last_PE(Row_Structure) + First_PE(Row_Structure)
  do i = First_PE(Row_Structure), Last_PE(Row_Structure)
    ! Values(i,:) = global i
    Values(i + shift,:) = changetype(real, i) / MaxNonzeros
    ! Rows(i) = global i, but reversed in order on each PE
    Rows(i + shift) =  first_plus_last_PE_RS - i
    ! Columns(i,:) = max((global i)-4,1) + (0,1,2,3,4)
    do j = 1, MaxNonzeros
      Columns(i + shift,j) = MAX(i-4,1) + j-1
    end do
  end do  

  ! Set A_ELLM all at once:
  !   1 PE:   A_ELLM = [ 1 ]
  !   >1 PEs: A_ELLM = [ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2                     ]
  !                    [ 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4                     ]
  !                    [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6                     ]
  !                    [ 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8                     ]
  !                    [ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0                     ]
  !                    [     1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2                 ]
  !                    [         1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4             ]
  !                    [             1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6         ]
  !                    [                 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8     ]
  !                    [                     2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ]
  !      and matrix N = sum(i**2, i = 1, NPEs)

  call Set_Values (A_ELLM, Values, Columns)

  ! Set B_ELLM via 'partial replacement' call (even though we are
  ! replacing the whole thing) with half of Values, then use the
  ! Add_Values procedure to add the other half.
  ! Note that B_ELLM values are in reverse order on each PE.

  Values = Values/2.d0
  call Set_Values (B_ELLM, Values, Rows, Columns)
  call Add_Values (B_ELLM, Values, Rows, Columns)

  ! Output the ELLMs.

  call Output (A_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Output (B_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! MatVec test.

  X_BNV = one                   ! Stuff X with 1's.
  X_MV = X_BNV
  call MatVec (A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  call Output (B_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  MaxB = Maximum(B_MV)
  MinB = Minimum(B_MV)
  AvgB = Average(B_MV)
  if (.not. VeryClose(MinB, one) ) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error in Minimum B => ', MinB
    end if
  end if
  if (.not. VeryClose(MaxB, changetype(real,NRows)) ) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error in Maximum B => ', MaxB
    end if
  end if
  if (.not. VeryClose(AvgB, (MaxB+MinB)*half) ) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error in Average B => ', AvgB
    end if
  end if

  ! This should use already-communicated values to get the same answer. 

  call MatVec (A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  call Output (B_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Norm test for resultant of MatVec (which should be {1,2,3,4,...}). 
  ! This makes use of the fact that
  !  --
  !  \     2     1     3      2
  !  /    k   =  - (2 n  + 3 n  + n)
  !  --          6
  ! k=1,n

  B_Norm2 = Two_Norm(B_MV)
  NRows_real = changetype(real,NRows)
  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,100) 'Norm test:'
    write (6,100) '  ||B||_2 = ', B_Norm2
100 format (/,a,f15.1)
    if (.not. VeryClose(B_Norm2**2, &
        (two * NRows_real**3 + three * NRows_real**2 + NRows_real)/six)) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- ||B||_2 is incorrect.'
    end if
  end if

  ! This MatVec should require new communication.

  X_BNV = ten                     ! Stuff X with 10's.
  X_MV = X_BNV
  call MatVec (A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  call Output (B_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  if (.not. VeryClose(Average(B_MV), AvgB*ten) ) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- Two consecutive MatVecs give incorrect answers.'
    end if
  end if

  ! Check some things that are known:

  if (.not. VeryClose(Average(A_ELLM), &
      changetype(real,half*(NRows+1)/NRows)) ) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- Average is incorrect.'
    end if
  end if
  if (.not. Sum(A_ELLM) >= One_Norm(A_ELLM)) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- Sum or One_Norm is incorrect.'
    end if
  end if
  if (.not. Sum(A_ELLM) >= Infinity_Norm(A_ELLM)) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- Sum or Infinity_Norm is incorrect.'
    end if
  end if
  if (.not. VeryClose(Minimum(A_ELLM), &
      one/changetype(real,Max_Nonzeros(A_ELLM)))) then
    if (this_is_IO_PE) then
      write (6,*) 'Error -- Minimum is incorrect.'
    end if
  end if

  ! Tweak one value of A_ELLM on each PE and re-output.

  call Set_Values (A_ELLM, 10.d0, Last_PE(Row_Structure), &
  call Output (A_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Check state of the ELL matrices.


  ! Test the Harwell-Boeing reader.

  call Finalize (X_MV)   ! Note: must finalize X_MV before A_ELLM because
                         ! the MatVec with A_ELLM created an OV in X_MV 
                         ! based on the Data_Index in A_ELLM.
  call Finalize (B_MV)
  call Finalize (A_ELLM)
  call Finalize (B_ELLM)
  call Finalize (Row_Structure)
  call Finalize (Column_Structure)
  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    open (unit=8, &
  end if
  call Read_Harwell_Boeing (A_ELLM, RHS_MV=B_MV, Solution_MV=X_MV, &
                            Row_Structure=Row_Structure, &
                            Column_Structure=Column_Structure, Unit=8, &
  call Output (A_ELLM, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Output (X_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))
  call Output (B_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  ! Test Residual and MatVec.

  call Initialize (Residual_MV, Row_Structure, 'Residual', status)
  call Residual (Residual_MV, A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  ResidualNorm1 = Norm(Residual_MV)

  call MatVec (A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    write (6,101) 'The next mathematic vector should be the same as', &
                  'the previous one, except for roundoff.'
101 format (/,a,/,a)
  end if
  call Output (B_MV, MAX(1, NRows/10), MIN(NRows, NRows/10+50))

  call Residual (Residual_MV, A_ELLM, X_MV, B_MV)
  ResidualNorm2 = Norm(Residual_MV)

  if (this_is_IO_PE) then
    ! Correct value for ResidualNorm1 is:
    !   8.145846809344343E-13 on Intel/Absoft
    !   8.145895568345390E-13 on Intel/Lahey
    if (ResidualNorm1 < 8.14d-13 .or. &
        ResidualNorm1 > 8.15d-13) then
      write (6,*) 'Residual Norm 1 out of bounds: ', ResidualNorm1
    end if
    if (.not. VeryClose(ResidualNorm2,zero)) then
      write (6,*) 'Error: Residual Norm 2 is nonzero: ', ResidualNorm2
    end if
  end if

  ! Also need 
  ! 1: call Add (ELLM1, ELLM2, ELLM3) or call Add_to_ELLM (ELLM1, ELLM2)
  ! 2: ELLM1 = ELLM2
  ! 3: call Scale (ELLM, scalar)
  ! 4: ELLM1 == ELLM2

  ! Check state of the ELL matrices.


  ! Finalize objects and communications.

  call Finalize (X_MV)   ! Note: must finalize X_MV before A_ELLM because
                         ! the MatVec with A_ELLM created an OV in X_MV 
                         ! based on the Data_Index in A_ELLM.
  call Finalize (A_ELLM)
  call Finalize (Rows)
  call Finalize (Values)
  call Finalize (Columns)
  call Finalize (X_BNV)
  call Finalize (B_MV)
  call Finalize (Row_Structure)
  call Finalize (Column_Structure)
  call Finalize (Comm)


Michael L. Hall