D.4.5 Generate_Shell_Partition Procedure

The main documentation of the Generate_Shell_Partition Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Generate_Shell_Partition (c, i_of_c, j_of_c, k_of_c, &
                                       NDimensions, NNodes_per_Side, Output)
    ! Input variables.
    type(integer), intent(in) :: NDimensions     ! Number of dimensions.
    type(integer), intent(in) :: NNodes_per_Side ! Length of a side.
    type(logical), intent(in) :: Output          ! Output toggle.
    ! Output variables.
    type(integer,3) :: c                      ! Cell numbers for each (i,j,k).
    type(integer,1) :: i_of_c, j_of_c, k_of_c ! i,j,k values for each cell #.
    ! Internal variables.
    type(integer) :: buff_loc             ! Buffer location.
    type(integer) :: i, j, k              ! Loop counters.
    type(integer) :: imax, jmax, kmax     ! Maximum values for i, j, and k.
    type(integer) :: maxij, maxijk        ! Maximum of the current (i,j) or 
                                          ! (i,j,k) set.
    type(character,80) :: output_buffer   ! Buffer for output.
    type(logical) :: do_output            ! Output toggle (PE-dependent).


    ! Determine whether or not to output.

    do_output = this_is_IO_PE .and. Output
    ! Set boundaries.
    imax = NNodes_per_Side
    if (NDimensions > 1) then
      jmax = imax
      jmax = 1
    end if
    if (NDimensions > 2) then
      kmax = imax
      kmax = 1
    end if
    ! Set cell numbers.
    if (do_output) write (6,'(/,a,/)') 'Shell Partitioning:'

    do k = kmax, 1, -1
      do j = jmax, 1,  -1
        buff_loc = 1
        do i = 1, imax
          maxij = MAX(i,j)
          maxijk = MAX(i,j,k)
          select case (NDimensions)
          case (1)
            c(i,j,k) = i
          case (2)
            c(i,j,k) = i + &
                       (maxij - j) + &
                       (maxijk - 1)**NDimensions
          case (3)
            c(i,j,k) = i + &
                       (maxij - j) + &
                       (maxijk - 1)**NDimensions + &
                       (maxijk - k) * (2*maxijk - 1) + & 
                       (maxij - 1)**(NDimensions-1)
          end select
          i_of_c(c(i,j,k)) = i
          j_of_c(c(i,j,k)) = j
          k_of_c(c(i,j,k)) = k
          if (do_output) then
            write (output_buffer(buff_loc:),'(i6)') c(i,j,k)
            buff_loc = buff_loc + 6
            if (buff_loc > 75) then
              write (6,*) output_buffer(1:buff_loc-1)
              buff_loc = 1
            end if
          end if
        end do
        if (do_output .and. buff_loc /= 1) then
          write (6,*) output_buffer(1:buff_loc-1)
        end if
      end do
      if (do_output) write (6,*)
    end do
  end subroutine Generate_Shell_Partition

Michael L. Hall