C. Utilities Module Code Listing

The main documentation of the Utilities Module contains additional explanation of this code listing.

! Author: Michael L. Hall
!         P.O. Box 1663, MS-D413, LANL
!         Los Alamos, NM 87545
!         ph: 505-665-4312
!         email: Hall@LANL.gov
! Created on: 04/19/01
! CVS Info:   $Id: utilities.F90,v 1.3 2007/10/10 22:09:30 hall Exp $

module Caesar_Utilities_Module

  ! Global use associations.

  use Caesar_Intrinsics_Module
  use Caesar_F2003_Utils_Module
  use Caesar_Shell_Utils_Module
  use Caesar_Text_Utils_Module

  ! Start up with everything untyped and public.
  ! Note: this module contains no private information.

  implicit none

end module Caesar_Utilities_Module


Michael L. Hall