B.4.10 NotInSet Procedure

The main documentation of the NotInSet Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

    ifelse($1, [character], [
      pushdef([TYPE], [$1,*])
      pushdef([NotInSet_TYPE], expand(NotInSet_$1))
      pushdef([TYPE], [$1])
      pushdef([NotInSet_TYPE], expand(NotInSet_TYPE))

    function NotInSet_TYPE (X, Set) result(NotInSet)
      ! Input variables.
      type(TYPE), intent(in) :: X                 ! Variable to be checked.
      type(TYPE), dimension(:), intent(in) :: Set ! The set to check.
      ! Output variable.
      type(logical) :: NotInSet                   ! Result of check.
      ! Internal variable.
      type(integer) :: element                    ! Element loop counter.

      ! Verify requirements - none.
      ! NotInSet is true if X is not in the set.

      NotInSet = .true.
      do element = 1, SIZE(Set)
        NotInSet = NotInSet .and. X /= Set(element)
      end do
      ! Verify guarantees -- none.

    end function NotInSet_TYPE


  fortext([Type],[real integer character],[

Michael L. Hall