14.1.1 Initialize_Monomial Procedure

The Initialize_Monomial procedure allocates and initializes a Monomial object.

Calling syntax:

call Initialize (Monomial, Coefficient, Exponent, Phi_k_MV, Locus, Mesh, Name, Derivative, Delta_t, Phi_n_MV, Variable, Equation, NEquations, status)

Input variables:

 Subtype variables  
 Monomial  The Monomial object to be initialized.
 Coefficient  A vector of coefficents for the monomial.
 Exponent  The degree (exponent) of the monomial.
 Phi_k_MV  A Mathematic Vector of the independent variable that this monomial is based on, the previous iterate value.
 Locus  The location for the monomial (e.g. Cells, Nodes or Faces)
 Mesh  The Mesh object that this monomial is based on.
 Name  The name for this variable. [Optional]
 Derivative  Logical toggle for whether to treat this term as a time derivative. [Optional, default is false]
 Delta_t  The time step size. [Optional, default is 1]
 Phi_n_MV  A Mathematic Vector of the independent variable that this monomial is based on, the past time step value. This is used for time derivative monomials only, and if left out then the last iterate value, Phi_k_MV, is used instead. [Optional]
 Variable  The variable number for this term. [Optional]
 Equation  The equation number for this term. [Optional]
 NEquations  The total number of equations in this system.

Output variables:

 Monomial  The Monomial object has been allocated and initialized.
 status  If present, the status variable is set to either 'Memory Error' or 'Success' depending on program execution. If not present, the procedure aborts if unsuccessful when the DEBUG_LEVEL is set high enough.

Internal variables:

 allocate_status  Allocation Status.
 consolidated_status  Consolidated Status.

The Initialize_Monomial code listing contains additional documentation.

Michael L. Hall