13.2.6 Get Value ELL_Matrix Functions

The Get_Value_ELLM functions return values from an ELL_Matrix object. These operations require global communication (except Get_First_Row_PE, Get Last_Row_PE, Get_Max_Nonzeros, Get_Name_ELLM, Get_NColumns, Get_NRows_PE and Get_NRows_Total), but if called more than once without modifying the object, no global communication is done for the second call.

Calling syntax:

Output = Average (ELLM) ,
Output = First_Row_PE (ELLM) ,
Output = Frobenius_Norm (ELLM) ,
Output = Infinity_Norm (ELLM) ,
Output = Last_Row_PE (ELLM) ,
Output = Max_Nonzeros (ELLM) ,
Output = Maximum (ELLM) ,
Output = Mean (ELLM) ,
Output = Minimum (ELLM) ,
Output = Name (ELLM) ,
Output = Norm (ELLM) ,
Output = NColumns (ELLM) ,
Output = NRows_PE (ELLM) ,
Output = NRows_Total (ELLM) ,
Output = One_Norm (ELLM) ,
Output = Sum (ELLM) ,
Output = Total (ELLM) ,
Output = Two_Norm_Estimate (ELLM) or
Output = Two_Norm_Range (ELLM)  

Mean is an alternate interface name for the Average Procedure, Norm is an alternate interface name for the Frobenius_Norm Procedure, and Total is an alternate interface name for the Sum Procedure.

The Two Norm is problematic and is not calculated exactly by CÆSAR currently. However, the Two_Norm_Range function returns limits on the possible values of the Two Norm, and the Two_Norm_Estimate function returns the midpoint of this range.

The First_Row_PE and Last_Row_PE functions return the global numbers for the first and last rows on this PE.

Input variables:

 ELLM  The ELL_Matrix object to be examined.

Output variable:

 Output  For Name, returns a character variable containing the name assigned to the object upon initialization. For First_Row_PE, Last_Row_PE, Max_Nonzeros, NColumns, NRows_PE and NRows_Total, returns an integer variable with the requested number. For all other functions, returns a real variable with the named value for the ELL_Matrix object.

The Get Value ELL_Matrix code listing contains additional documentation.

Michael L. Hall