13.1 Mathematic_Vector Class

The Mathematic_Vector Class is used to describe a Mathematic Vector in the CÆSAR Code Package. A Mathematic_Vector differs from a Distributed_Vector in several ways:

Note that a Mathematic_Vector contains a Distributed_Vector and a vector of Overlapped_Vectors which it uses for matvecs.

The Mathematic_Vector methods section describes the methods used in the Mathematic_Vector Class.

Mathematic_Vector public procedures:

 Fundamental procedures  
 Initialize  Initializes a Mathematic_Vector object.
 Finalize  Finalizes a Mathematic_Vector object.
 Valid_State  Returns false iff a Mathematic_Vector object is in an invalid state.
 Initialized  Returns true iff a Mathematic_Vector object has been initialized.
 Average  Returns the arithmetic mean of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Add_Values  Increments the values of a Mathematic_Vector object.
 DotProduct  Returns the global dot product of two Mathematic_Vector objects.
 Duplicate  Makes an exact copy of a Mathematic_Vector (except for the internal DV's and OV's, which will be generated if needed). This procedure is also useful when a compatible Mathematic_Vector is needed.
 First_PE  Returns the global number of the first entry on this PE of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Get_Values  Returns the values for a Mathematic_Vector object (also has an assignment interface).
 Infinity_Norm  Returns the infinity norm of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Last_PE  Returns the global number of the last entry on this PE of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Length_PE  Returns the length on this PE of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Length_Total  Returns the total length (all PEs) of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Locus  Returns the locus of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Maximum  Returns the maximum of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Mean  Returns the mean value of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Minimum  Returns the minimum of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Name  Returns the name of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Norm  Returns the two norm of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 One_Norm  Returns the one norm of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Orthogonal  Returns true if the two Mathematic_Vector objects are orthogonal.
 Output  Writes out the Mathematic_Vector object.
 P_Norm  Returns the P-norm of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Two_Norm  Returns the two norm of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Set_Not_Up_to_Date  Puts a Mathematic Vector into a ``not up-to-date'' state. Can be used externally to force recalculation of norms, extrema, etc.
 Set_Value  Sets all values to a specified scalar (often zero) for a Mathematic_Vector object.
 Set_Values  Sets the values for a Mathematic_Vector object.
 Sum  Returns the sum of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Total  Returns the sum of the Mathematic_Vector object.
 Update_DV  Updates the Distributed Vector inside of a Mathematic_Vector object.

Mathematic_Vector public defined types:

 Mathematic_Vector type  
 Average  Global average of the Mathematic Vector.
 Average_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Average.
 Dimensionality  Number of dimensions for the Mathematic Vector (always unity).
 DV  Distributed Vector that is used for matvecs.
 Infinity_Norm  Infinity norm of the Mathematic Vector.
 Infinity_Norm_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Infinity_Norm.
 Initialized  Initialization status.
 Maximum  Global maximum of the Mathematic Vector.
 Maximum_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Maximum.
 Minimum  Global minimum of the Mathematic Vector.
 Minimum_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Minimum.
 Name  The name for this variable (especially useful in a vector of Mathematic Vectors).
 One_Norm  One norm of the Mathematic Vector.
 One_Norm_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for One_Norm.
 OV  A vector of Overlapped Vectors that is used for matvecs.
 DV_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for DV.
 P_Norm  P norm of the Mathematic Vector.
 P_Norm_Exponent  Exponent used in taking the P norm.
 P_Norm_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for P_Norm.
 Structure  Basic data structure for the Mathematic Vector.
 Sum  Global sum of the Mathematic Vector.
 Sum_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Sum.
 Two_Norm  Two norm of the Mathematic Vector.
 Two_Norm_is_Updated  Updated? toggle for Two_Norm.
 Values  Values for the Mathematic Vector.

Mathematic_Vector public variables:

 Number_of_OVs_in_an_MV  A parameter specifying the number of Overlapped_Vector objects in a Mathematic_Vector object. This number limits the number of different matrices that MatVecs can be done with quickly. For example, if a Mathematic_Vector object is to be multipied by three matrices, all with the same Column_Structure but with different Data_Indices (Columns arrays), then the set up for all three can be stored as long as Number_of_OVs_in_an_MV is equal to or greater than three. Otherwise, multiplication can still be done, but set up phases will have to be repeated.

The Mathematic_Vector Class code listing contains additional documentation. The Mathematic_Vector Class also contains a Unit Test Program.

Michael L. Hall