7.1 Global m4 Settings

The ``settings'' set of m4 commands defines the m4 environment that is used in the CÆSAR Code Package:

In addition to these environmental settings, some globally useful macros are defined.

m4 macros defined in the include/settings.m4 file:

 __date__  Date field (mm/dd/yy).
 __file__  Unprefixed form of m4___file__.
 __line__  Unprefixed form of m4___line__.
 __time__  Time field (hh:mm:ss, 24-hour).
 define  Unprefixed form of m4_define.
 dnl  Unprefixed form of m4_dnl.
 expand  Force macro expansion in words containing underscores.
 firstword  Returns the first word from a space-delimited list of words.
 forloop  A numerical text iterator (see code listing for input/output details).
 fortext  A textual text iterator (see code listing for input/output details).
 ifdef  Unprefixed form of m4_ifdef.
 ifelse  Unprefixed form of m4_ifelse.
 include  Unprefixed form of m4_include.
 m4_chop  Removes last character of input string.
 m4_die  Prints error message and terminates.
 popdef  Unprefixed form of m4_popdef.
 pushdef  Unprefixed form of m4_pushdef.
 tailwords  Returns everything except the first word from a space-delimited list of words.
 undefine  Unprefixed form of m4_undefine.

The Settings m4 Macros code listing contains additional documentation.

Michael L. Hall