General Information for Applicants

Bringing together top space science students with internationally recognized researchers at Los Alamos in an educational and collaborative atmosphere.


  • Administrative Assistant
  • Lucia Herrera
  • Email

Acceptance into the program

Application packages are reviewed by a panel of experts and acceptance into the program is based primarily on the student’s academic record, list of publications, presentations and nomination letter.  Program acceptance is also based on the student's interest in attending a summer school about space weather and the benefit to the student of attendance, as demonstrated in the cover letter.

Attempts are made to identify highly qualified students from a diverse background, including academic, institutional, and cultural diversity.

Preference is given to students who have completed at least their second year of classes.

A limited number of students are accepted to the program each year, depending on funding.


Students accepted to the program will receive a prestigious Vela Fellowship worth $10,000 to cover travel and living expenses. Fellowships are disbursed after arrival at the Lab.


Students are expected to attend the entire 8-week summer school, with exceptions granted for overlap of the student's academic calendar with the summer school and/or attendance at a conference during the summer school (e.g. GEM, SHINE).  Any other absences must be approved by the summer school Director.

The Geospace Environmental Modeling summer workshop is a major conference in our field. No summer school lectures are scheduled during this time and students have the opportunity to attend this workshop.

If attending a conference during the summer school, students must arrange conference registration and reimbursement through their own home institutions.


Students are responsible for obtaining their own housing for the summer. 

Application process »