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English: Greek:
D Diffusion coefficient [m2/s] $ \alpha$ Volume fraction [unitless]
$ \mathcal {F}$ Friction coefficient [kg/(m3 . s)] $ \Gamma_{{xy}}^{}$ Mass transfer rate from x to y [kg/(m3 . s)]
gz z-component of the gravity vector [m/s2] $ \Delta$Pcap Capillary pressure difference, Pm - Pl [Pa]
h Enthalpy [J/kg] $ \epsilon_{v}^{}$ Flow volume fraction in the wick [unitless]
k Thermal conductivity [W/(m . K)] $ \rho$ Density [kg/m3]
$ \mathcal {L}$$ \left(\vphantom{ f }\right.$f$ \left.\vphantom{ f }\right)$ Linearization functional $ \sigma$ Liquid surface tension [N/m]
P Pressure [Pa] Superscripts:
Qxy Heat transfer rate from x to y [W/m3] X Related to a mass fraction
Q$\scriptstyle \scriptsize int$$ \left(\vphantom{ t }\right.$t$ \left.\vphantom{ t }\right)$ Time-integrated heat output [J] $ \Gamma$ Related to interphase transfer
Q$\scriptstyle \scriptsize out$$ \left(\vphantom{ t }\right.$t$ \left.\vphantom{ t }\right)$ Heat output rate [W] $ \nu$ Normal (to the surface) value
rc Radius of curvature of the meniscus [m] $ \rho$ Related to a density
R Gas constant [J/(kg . K)] Subscripts:
t Time [s] g Working fluid gas value
T Temperature [K] l Liquid value
U Internal energy [J/kg] m Mixture value (gas and noncondensible)
V Velocity [m/s] n Noncondensible value
X Mass fraction [unitless] s Solid value
z Axial distance [m] w Wall value
x, y Arbitrary species

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Michael L. Hall