D.6.6 Distribute_AV_to_DV Procedure

The main documentation of the Distribute_AV_to_DV Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Distribute_AV_to_DV (DV, AV)
    ! Input variable.
    type(Assembled_Vector_type), intent(in) :: AV      ! AV to be distributed.
    ! Input/Output variable.
    type(Distributed_Vector_type), intent(inout) :: DV ! Distributed vector.
    ! Internal variables.

    type(integer) :: i, j, k  ! Loop counters.

    ! Verify requirements.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(DV),5)                     ! DV is valid.
    VERIFY(Valid_State(AV),5)                     ! AV is valid.
    VERIFY(ASSOCIATED(AV%Structure,DV%Structure),5) ! AV, DV -> same structure.
    VERIFY(AV%Dimensionality == DV%Dimensionality,5) ! AV, DV have same Dims.
    ! Do the distribution. This could be done faster for multiple dimensions
    ! by packing everything into a single vector, assembling, and then
    ! unpacking. Maybe in a later version.
    select case (DV%Dimensionality)
    case (1)
      call Distribute (DV%Values1, AV%Values1, Length_Vector(AV%Structure))
    case (2)
      do i = 1, DV%Dimensions(1)
        call Distribute (DV%Values2(i,:), AV%Values2(i,:), &
      end do
    case (3)
      do i = 1, DV%Dimensions(1)
        do j = 1, DV%Dimensions(2)
          call Distribute (DV%Values3(i,j,:), AV%Values3(i,j,:), &
        end do
      end do
    case (4)
      do i = 1, DV%Dimensions(1)
        do j = 1, DV%Dimensions(2)
          do k = 1, DV%Dimensions(3)
            call Distribute (DV%Values4(i,j,k,:), AV%Values4(i,j,k,:), &
          end do
        end do
      end do
    !case (-1)
    !  call Distribute (DV%ValuesRR, AV%ValuesRR)
    end select

    ! Set the version number.

    DV = Version(AV)
    ! Verify guarantees.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(DV),5)  ! DV is valid.
  end subroutine Distribute_AV_to_DV

Michael L. Hall