Workshop Announcement

Performance Evaluation Program For Drum Assays


November 13, 2000 3:30-5:30 PM

Seattle, WA

(In conjunction with the BAER-2000 meeting -




Nuclear waste assay is an integral element of programs such as safeguards, waste management, and waste disposal. The majority of nuclear waste is packaged in drums and analyzed by Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) techniques to identify and quantify the radioactive content. Due to various regulations and the public interest in nuclear issues, the analytical results are required to be of high quality and supported by a rigorous Quality Assurance (QA) program. One of the most valuable QA tools is an intercomparison program where a sample is analyzed by a number of different facilities. This is an effective method for documenting the quality of a laboratory and for identifying any possible deficiencies that may have been overlooked by the internal quality control (QC) programs.


In the past, a limited number of inter-laboratory measurement comparisons on nuclear waste drums have been performed. The conclusions of these studies indicated that more work was needed.  The manufacturing of reference drums need to be improved and the NDA methods  need to be standardized. In addition, there is currently no routine program for an intercomparison program for drum counting facilities. The aim of this workshop is to survey the community for interest in a drum PE program, identify the stakeholders and funding mechanisms, and lay the foundation for a routine intercomparison program for drum assays.



Preliminary Agenda



Direct any questions or suggestions to:

Mr. Mansour Akbarzadeh

WIPP Radiochemistry Laboratory

P.O. Box 2078  MS 452-09

Carlsbad, NM  88221-2078

(505) 234-8617 Office

(505) 885-4562 Fax
