Recent Advances in the Implementation
of Gamma-Ray Coincidence
Counting Corrections

Doug Van Cleef, Michael Schultz, Susan Haywood,
and Daniel Upp,

PerkinElmer Instruments
· (865) 483-2245


As long as there have been multi-nuclide gamma ray measurements, scientist, researchers, and lab personnel have had to deal with some degree of inaccuracy in measurements due to the summing-in and summing-out effects of coincident gamma interactions.  For specific nuclides, numerous emperical techniques have been employed, with  varying levels of success, to correct for known or estimated coincident gamma-induced inaccuracies.  PerkinElmer Instruments has recently included real-time True Coincidence Correction in its GammaVision gamma spectroscopy software.  This session will present an overview and real world examples of the dramatic improvements that can be realized with the True Coincidence Correction software.