Quality Control Samples for
the Radiological Determinations of
Tritium, Americium, and Uranium in Urine*

Peter C. Lindahl, Nancy L. Koski, George H. Brooks, Jr., Steven J. Goldstein, Claudine E. Armenta, Edward R. Gonzales, Bret L. Lockhart, Nancy Lujan, Anthony J. Sanchez

Analytical Chemistry Sciences Group
Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Analytical Chemistry Sciences Group in the Chemistry Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory provides inorganic, organic, and radiological analytical laboratory and technical support in the areas of environmental, waste management, industrial hygiene, and biological analysis. In the biological analysis arena the Group performs analysis on a number of different types of biological matrices including urine and fecal material.  Americium-241; uranium isotopes-234, 235, and 238; and tritium are determined in urine; and Am-241, U-isotopes, and Pu-238 in fecal material.  The Am, Pu, and U are determined using radiochemical separation techniques followed by alpha spectrometry; while tritium is determined by liquid scintillation.

In support of its analytical operations the Analytical Chemistry Sciences Group maintains an ongoing quality control (QC) program as part of its quality assurance (QA) program.  The overall QC program includes participation in both internal and external performance evaluation programs.  The internal QC program includes in-house preparation of QC materials, incorporation of blind QC and laboratory control samples into analysis batches, and assessment of QC sample results.  In the biological analysis area, the preparation, distribution, and assessment of urine QC samples has been developed and implemented for routine bioassay analysis operations.  A parallel scheme for fecal material QC samples has not been established. 

The presentation will describe the preparation of the urine QC samples, integration and incorporation of the blind QC and laboratory control samples into the analysis scheme, and the monitoring, assessment, and use of QC sample results as part of the continuous improvement process for our analytical services operations.

* This work is not being conducted in support of the LANL radiobioassay monitoring program.