Conference on Bioassay, Analytical,

and Environmental Chemistry

October 13-17, 1996

April 17, 1996

42nd Annual Conference on Bioassay
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550

Dear Sir/Madam:

The first announcement for the 42nd Bioassay, Analytical and Environmental Radiochemistry Conference was sent to over 800 prospective attendees and posted on several electronic bulletin boards. Your organization should have received this first announcement as part of this distribution. As a summary, the conference shall be held during October 13-17, 1996 at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in downtown San Francisco. General arrangements have been made with Cathedral Hill to accommodate the conference including a block of rooms for a minimum of 250 attendees, vendor setup area, and workshop and meeting rooms. We anticipate an even larger general turnout due to the popularity of the San Francisco location in the Fall season

In order to properly coordinate specific conference space requirements with Cathedral Hill representatives, certain details relative to the vendor space requirements and vendor sponsored reception and lunches need to be finalized. As a refresher, last year the vendor activities included: workshops by Ordella Inc., Eichrom Industries, etc. - to be held on Sunday; conference reception on Monday night; coffee breaks; Tuesday luncheon was jointly sponsored by Thermo Nuclear Services, Eichrom Industries, Inc. and The Yankee Atomic Environmental Laboratory and vendor display areas. Although each of these vendor-sponsored functions was coordinated by the conference sponsor, the financial commitments for the Tuesday luncheon and vendor workshops were between the hotel and the vendor. In most cases the conference sponsor provided, as facilitator, the central coordination and communication for the vendor activities. For the vendor workshops the vendor must assume responsibility for their own announcements and registration, audio/visual and meeting room reservations. As the conference sponsor, I can provide the names and addresses of the attendees of the 41st annual conference.

Since the number of vendors directly affects the breakout of the individual costs for certain functions, it is important that various conference commitments be addressed as soon as possible. This includes the scheduling of the number of hotel conference rooms for concurrent workshops.

The cost for the vendor fee has remained the same as last year, $750 for early registration (prior to July 1, 1996) and $1,000 for late registration (after June 30, 1996). This registration includes two prepaid conference registrations for the vendor. Vendors may set up their displays on Monday, October 14 and exhibit their materials starting at a conference reception on Monday evening and throughout the day on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The attached form has been developed to facilitate the communications process for conference details pertaining to the vendors. Also included is a map of the hotel exhibit Lobby and booth layout. Please take some time to complete the form and return it to my office as soon as possible.

Yours truly, David Hickman and Son Nguyen